Cross Roads Presbyterian Church for the Food Pantry

About this Organization

Cross Roads Food Pantry is an outlet for TEFAP. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that provides free emergency food assistance to low-income people. The program has guidelines for organizations that receive food and for people who receive it, total gross income for the household must not exceed 185% of the federal poverty levels provided on the current year TEFAP Self-Declaration of Need form. This past year we served 177 TEFAP families: 170 children, 245 adults and 95 seniors (481 different people and averaging 287 people each month throughout the year). We continue to receive calls from new clients almost every week. Our Easter Dinner distribution served 88 families, the Christmas Dinner distribution served 110 families. We also implement a Christmas gift distribution that serviced 80 children from 34 of our families with children aged newborn- 15 years. Our Senior Box program completed its 20th year and currently serves 17 clients.

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