Fishes and Loaves Cooperative Ministries

About this Organization

In 2023 we distributed 17,400 lbs. of emergency food to more than 200 families in need. We provided 1,667 free lunches (Grab-and-Go) in collaboration with the YMCA.. We continued serving over 60 senior and other frail, food-insecure households with our free Meals on Wheels program. In collaboration with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Foodbank we deliver CSFP ("Senior") Boxes to about a dozen of our neighbors each month. Inflation and shortages have definitely affected our ability to obtain enough groceries and ingredients to meet our clients' needs, although we partner with the Food Bank and 412 Food Rescue and some individual retailers. Your donation will directly help us purchase lunch meat, bread and dairy products, which we normally have to pay for out of pocket. When our Meals on Wheels chef resigned earlier this year we turned to Community Kitchen Pittsburgh (CKP), located in our neighborhood, to prepare our meals. CKP is a non-profit organization that provides training and job placement in the restaurant industry for persons who may have impediments to employment. Your investment in our program will give the dedicated members of our team the means to assist more members of the Hazelwood community. Our annual budget is approximately $100,000, and a significant portion of our income is from individual donors. $50 provides emergency food to a family of 4; $25 provides Meals on Wheels to a person for a week (lunch and dinner x 5 days); $15 provides 5 free lunches.

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