First Step Recovery Homes, Inc. is well known in the community for our efforts to eradicate homelessness, substance misuse and reconnect families. The need for our services continues to grow with each new generation of individuals that get entangled in the vicious cycle of addiction, which perpetuates homelessness and broken families. Thus, we need to meet the demand for housing and recovery support services. Participants also receive case management which includes provision of referrals to health care providers for medical, dental, vision and mental health services. The recovery support team provides life skill education to effectively meet clients' needs, to assist clients in maintaining their relearned or newly acquired, less risky and healthier behaviors (which supports regaining their physical health). Participants are encouraged to attain three primary goals during their program stay: 1.) Enter into a permanent living situation (home or apartment) upon exiting from the program; 2.) Increase skills sets and/or income through educational pursuits, securing employment or passive income and benefits, prior to exiting the program; and 3.) Become determined to remain clean-sober, obtain and maintain optimal physical and emotional health to develop and sustain a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. The fourth goal is important in various ways: 4.) When possible, participants are encouraged to reunite with or re- establish healthy family relationships. Family support systems often aid the participant to remain focused on restraining from engaging in risky behaviors associated with chemical addictions.