Who We Serve
Our main service area includes Baldwin Township, Bethel Park, Castle Shannon, Dormont, Mt Lebanon, Overbrook, Scott, South Park, Upper St Clair, Whitehall.
However, no food-insecure person is turned away.
The number of families seeking help with food continues to grow at an alarming rate.
Six-Month comparison (January to June) with 2022 and so far in 2024:
o In 2024 a 66% increase in pantry visits from 2022
o In 2024 a 70% increase in number of families from 2022
o In 2024 a 95% increase in the number of people served from 2022
o Jan to June 2022: 6,525 people served
o Jan to June 2024: 13,022 people served
More families are struggling with financial burdens:
o Rising cost of everything (food, utilities, medicines, etc.)
o Decreasing SNAP (food stamps) benefits
o Increase in new immigrant families
o Rising food costs also affects food pantry's ability to meet these increasing needs
Historically, in the fall and winter months the numbers of families in need of help increases even further, as will the food pantry's expenses to meet the increased demand.
If your circumstances permit, please consider helping us with your donation so we can continue to help our food-insecure families.
How we obtain food
o We are supported solely by community-based donations.
o Generous support from Our Lady of Hope, Resurrection, St Paul of the Cross, St Michael the Archangel parishioners, St Vincent de Paul and Ladies of Charity Conferences, South Hills and St Michael the Archangel Knights of Columbus, and several community organizations
o Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank - our main source of food
o Generous donations and support from the Castle Shannon Shop 'n Save
o Fresh garden produce from the Boyce Road Garden Club, Saints Isidore and Maria Garden, and St Joan of Arc Garden.
What we distribute
o Fresh Produce: over 160,000 lbs (80 tons) of fresh produce distributed in 2023.
o Overall in 2023, over 390,800 (195.4 tons) of food and personal products were distributed.
o Frozen Foods: Meats, Poultry, Fish, Pork
o Dairy Foods: Eggs, Cheese, Margarine; Yogurt and Milk when available
o Staple items: Canned Goods, Rice, Pasta, Cereals
o Bread and Bakery goods from Market District and Cochran Road Giant Eagles and Banksville Road Kuhn's Market
o Baby Food, diapers, wipes
o Personal Care and Hygiene essentials - now when available through community donations
o Paper Products - now when available through community donations
o Cleaning Products
o Pet Food, when available from Animal Friends and other generous donors
o Senior Box Program to those 60+
o Monthly food gift cards - currently suspended due to decreased funds
o Christmas Gifts for children from supporting parishes' parishioners
How we distribute food
* Offering our food pantry guests a modified 'shop thru' style food distribution
* Providing guests the opportunity and dignity of making their own food selections
* Delivering their food selections to their car
When we distribute food
o St Winifred site: Weekly Every Wednesday and Saturday morning, now by appointment
o St Michael the Archangel site: Monday - Friday by appointment
o Home Deliveries for shut-ins and those lacking transportation.
Who we are
o A core of over 100 dedicated volunteers - all unpaid - from the community
o St. Vincent de Paul Society, Ladies of Charity, Knights of Columbus members from our supporting parishes, parishioners and neighbors