For more than fifty years, Adagio Health has been providing health, wellness and nutrition services and support in western Pennsylvania. Today, our nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization's expanded footprint includes 62 counties across the Commonwealth where Adagio Health oversees state-funded breast and cervical cancer screening services (all provided at no cost to income-eligible patients).
Adagio Health and its network of partners provide reproductive health care services at low or no cost to approximately 35,000 patients annually. Breast and cervical cancer screening services are provided to nearly 6,000 patients. Adagio Health's WIC program serves approximately 9,000 parents, caregivers and young children, while the organization's nutrition education program known as SNAP-Ed serves more than 50,000 Pennsylvanians - young children, teens, adults and seniors; and more than 1,000 patients and clients visit Adagio Health Food Cupboards annually. Approximately 3,700 adults and teens receive prevention and cessation services from Adagio Health's Tobacco Prevention and Control Program; while roughly 2,000 students and young adults receive evidence-informed, age-appropriate reproductive health education services in one-on-one, group, and classroom settings.
Adagio Health prioritizes providing safe, compassionate care to diverse populations with unique needs, including members of LGBTQIA+ communities and women who have served in the military.
The services Adagio Health provides are designed to not only support individual patients and clients, but also their families and communities. Studies show a woman with access to quality healthcare and affordable contraception is more likely to, on her own timeline, to complete her education, get and keep a good job, financially support herself and her family and invest in her children's future.
Adagio Health serves a population of individuals with diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Members of the Amish community are served in Indiana; students from universities are served in Greensburg, Erie, Indiana and Edinboro. In Uniontown, we do our best to serve a community in which so many people have numerous unmet needs due to lack of available services. In Erie, we provide a community of Somali women a safe and welcoming place to receive care. Because of Adagio Health, these women-all with different needs, situations and plans for their futures-have access to health care at no cost.
Adagio Health is able to provide these services through funding from the State and Federal government, local foundation partners, and through partnerships with a variety of community partners and other funders. Adagio Health currently owns and operates eight medical offices, and provides Title X, XX and V funding to a wide network of health care providers in 23 western Pennsylvania counties. In addition to medical offices, Adagio Health is the Women, Infant & Children's Food and Nutrition Service (WIC) service provider in five counties: Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Indiana, and Lawrence. Adagio Health's nutrition department also delivers SNAP-Ed nutrition education programs in 11 counties in western Pennsylvania.