Blackburn Center

About this Organization

Blackburn Center is the primary organization in Westmoreland County offering services, at no charge to clients, for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other crimes. These services include a 24-hour hotline, counseling and therapy, advocacy/accompaniment to court proceedings and emergency rooms; a shelter for victims of intimate partner violence and their children; community and student education programs; in-service trainings for professionals; and primary prevention programs on college campuses and with other groups. Blackburn Center is a leader in Westmoreland County in two areas: trauma-focused services to victims of violence and expertise on primary prevention of gender-based violence. One of the core services our agency provides is our Emergency Shelter for victims/survivors of intimate partner violence and their dependent children, which provides a safe, comfortable haven where our clients can plan for their future. During a shelter stay, our clients have access to a variety of services designed to meet their needs, which include but are not limited to: counseling, weekly support groups, civil legal supports, legal advocacy, safety planning, goal setting, and any additional resources and referrals to meet the needs of the client. We also staff a Housing Advocate on-site who provides support for clients seeking to relocate, obtain, and/or maintain stable housing, and acts as the intermediary and primary point of contact for all housing systems. Additionally, Blackburn Center keeps an updated needs list available to the public on the agency's website as to assist prospective donors who donate directly to our organization.

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