CLASS - Community Living and Support Services

About this Organization

CLASS was founded in 1951 by family members interested in seeing their sons and daughters with disabilities have more options and community opportunities in their lives. Originally chartered as United Cerebral Palsy of Pittsburgh, CLASS became independent of the National UCP Affiliate in July of 2013. Over the years the organization has grown and developed, but that basic goal, people with disabilities living full lives in their communities, still remains and is embodied in the current organizational vision - working toward a community where each belongs. CLASS prides itself on creativity, energy, and a deep spirit that recognizes that all people have gifts, talents, and a role to play in building community. CLASS severs almost 1,000 men and women with disabilities and their families through a variety of programs including the Alliance for Community Respite Care (ACRC), In-Home Services, Community Partners, Community Skill Building, Multiple Sclerosis Service Society (MSSS), Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology, and Residential Services. Alliance for Community Respite Care (ACRC) The ACRC of CLASS is a valuable resource for families seeking respite resources. While not a service provider, when funds are available ACRC provides scholarships to families who have no other payer source for respite. Community Skill Building The Community Skill Building Program provides opportunities for individuals to increase interdependence through participation in classes that teach daily living skills. Classes include but are not limited to Meal Preparation, Financial Management, Reading, Computer, and Housekeeping. The program also provides Vocational Services through volunteer opportunities by assessing marketable skills and working with individuals on a one-to-one basis. Supported employment is an option for appropriate candidates and provides job development, job coaching, and follow-up supports. Community Partners At times, individuals with disabilities may need one-to-one assistance with managing one's own life, problem solving, or exploring community resources. The Community Partners Program works with individuals to establish viable solutions to challenges as they arise, emphasizing learning how to use and work with community resources. In-Home Services Through the In-Home Services Program, individuals needing help with personal assistance and daily living activities are provided support to enhance their ability to live in their own homes and communities. Multiple Sclerosis Service Society (MSSS) The MSSS supports individuals diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and their families to make the necessary emotional, social, and physical adjustments in their lifestyle. Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technologies (PIAT) As a PIAT provider for southwestern Pennsylvania, CLASS offers several assistive technology services to help connect individuals with disabilities with the technology that is vital for their independence. These programs include the Lending Library, device demonstrations, the Reused and Exchanged Equipment Partnership, and the Telecommunication Devices Distribution Program. Residential Services Adults with disabilities live in their own homes and apartments with supports that allow for self-determination and control over their own lives. For more information about CLASS, please visit

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