LifeSpan , formally Southwest Services, has been in operation since 1973, providing services to seniors and their families in Allegheny County. We are a nonprofit organization funded through contracts from Department of Human Services /Area Agency on Aging, grants, donations and fundraisers. Programs include Care Management, Protective Services, Family Caregiver Support, Home Delivered /Meals on Wheels, Food Pantry, Community Resource Centers, Information/Referral, and Volunteer Opportunities. We serve over 16, 000 older adults, 60 years of age and older per year.
Our Home Delivered/Meals on Wheels program delivers over 196,000 meals to over 1,500 frail older adults annually. The meal program is the safety net for those frail elderly that rely on the personal contact of meal delivery to also check on their safety and well-being.
In the Clairton Community at our Steel Valley Center, we have a food pantry known as the Red Door Pantry. The Red Door Food pantry meets the needs of people in a largely served black community lacking a grocery store and who face food insecurity. In addition to people being able to walk through the food pantry, we continue the monthly drive-up distribution serving over 100 individuals or more a month.
For over fifty years LifeSpan has met the needs of older adults living in the southwestern part of Allegheny County. We serve a diverse population of older adults living within these communities. LifeSpan is one of three Care Management and Protective Service providers in the county and the largest Meals on Wheels provider. Older adults' safety and their well-being are our priority.
We need continued donations in order to purchase food and essential items to keep the doors of the food pantry open. Donations also help the Meals on Wheels program which delivers meals to older adults unable to prepare their meals.