Living Stones

About this Organization

Psychologist Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs, which describes a person's most basic to most advanced needs. He describes from the most basic to the most advanced as: physiological (food, shelter, clothing), safety (security, health, property), love and belonging (friendship, sense of connection), esteem (respect, self-esteem, freedom), and self-actualization. Many organizations provide relief for the most basic, physiological needs. Living Stones is unique in that we are setting ourselves apart by providing for and connecting people to resources to meet their "higher" needs. We seek to empower the communities we are working with by intentionally having conversations with them to hear what it is that they need, and to understand what barriers exist to create the disparities they're experiencing. The services provided by Living Stones are essential in diminishing health disparities and to advance and uplift the holistic wellness of disadvantaged communities.

Highlighted work of Living Stones:
• Rescues and redirects food destined for dumpsters to provide hot, sit-down meals to neighbors in need. In the last year alone, we've rescued and redirected just over 11,000 pounds of food.
• Has served over 30,000 meals, without charge or discrimination, in seven different South Hills Pittsburgh locations
• Has a growing volunteer base of more than 150 men, women, and youth
• Never in its history has missed serving a meal, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, when we had to adapt and serve meals to go outside
• Has a part-time community health worker to provide case-by-case help to individual neighbors with specific needs
• Has neighborhood programs and services that provide easily accessible opportunities for food, fellowship, and improved hygiene/self-esteem, such as free haircuts and clothing, health
screenings, educational classes, and other events based on value added and neighbor interest
• Builds and fosters fellowship and relationships among neighbors and volunteers
• Dedicated to knowing our neighbors by name and understanding their deeper needs

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