Pennsylvania Women Work

About this Organization

Pennsylvania Women Work provides no-cost career development programming, work-readiness training, mentorship, job placement connections, and supportive services to people facing barriers to employment. Our diverse clientele includes single mothers, refugees, and immigrants, women in recovery, justice-involved individuals, first-generation college students, and anyone who finds themself in a moment of career transition and needs support.

All of PA Women Work's programs are delivered with a holistic and individualized approach. Each program participant meets one-on-one with a dedicated career coach and participates in a tailored set of free programs designed to empower them with the tools, resources, and connections to help them reach their goals. When a client is ready for employment, strong relationships with our region's top employers enable us to facilitate connections and assist our clients with job placement.

Through this holistic and individualized approach to career coaching, our goal is to help Pittsburgh's job-seekers attain economic mobility and a better quality of life. In a typical year, 75 - 85% of our graduates find employment (or better employment) within twelve weeks of completing our programs.

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