The Pittsburgh Foundation - Economic Mobility Fund

About this Organization

At The Pittsburgh Foundation, we seek to reduce the racial wealth gap in Allegheny County. The racial and ethnic wealth gap in the United States is staggering. The median net worth of a typical white family is nearly 10 times that of a Black family. In Pittsburgh, 36.4% of Black households and 21.7% of Latino households have 0% net worth, compared to just 11.5% of white households. Black and Latino households earn considerably less than white households, limiting their ability to save and build wealth. These inequities are the result of discriminatory policies and practices perpetuated over generations. Both programmatic and policy-level intervention are needed to build financial security and increase mobility for communities of color. --> Access to post-secondary education: We seek to support programs that enable students to earn college credit while in high school; admissions navigation support and academic and financial counseling; re-engagement strategies for students who have stopped attending school; and supports for non-traditional students. --> Career advancement: We are interested in supporting organizations that offer technology training with career potential. --> Entrepreneurship: We are interested in efforts to increase Black entrepreneurship. --> Homeownership: We are specifically interested in funding programs that include personalized financial and home purchasing education; advocacy for mortgage assistance initiatives for Black women; and other programs that include collective ownership options. ***Donations made to The Pittsburgh Foundation's Economic Mobility Fund are not eligible for incentive dollars.

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